24-Bit Digital I/O Controlling logic circuits is a common requirement. The two modules above are easy to program, both at the "bit" and "byte" levels. The DIO-MATE supports standard TTL logic, while the OPTO-MATE uses photo-couplers to iso- late inputs and outputs. The DIO-MATE and DIO-MATEII offer 24 & 48 bits (respectively). Programming allows setting for port direction and logic level (for both individual bits or bytes). You can also enable weak pull-ups on the inputs…

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24-Bit Digital I/O Controlling logic circuits is a common requirement. The two modules above are easy to program, both at the ’bit’ and ’byte’ levels. The DIO-MATE supports standard TTL logic, while the OPTO-MATE uses photo-couplers to iso- late inputs and outputs. The DIO-MATE and DIO-MATEII offer 24 & 48 bits (respectively). Programming allows setting for port direction and logic level (for both individual bits or bytes). You can also enable weak pull-ups on the inputs…

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AS507 Flexible Base Functional Test System

End of Line Functional Test Platform PN: AS507 & AU507  Basic test need covered and ready to use 19? rack 23U high expandable with 9 U extra in robust aluminium profile with side ducts for all test wires trucking Power switch on sequence for low inrush current Safety power management 24VDC 200W power supply CAN bus control Rack temperature regulation with fan speed control The AS507 test system is based on a 19? frame of robust construction,…

Lees verderAS507 Flexible Base Functional Test System