LED lighting tester van 6TL engineering.

Led Lighting tester van 6TL

The modular approach off the fastATE technology from 6TL enables engineers to develop and build complete test solutions in record time, in this newsletter we like to show you a project we dit for a LED lighting tester. With fastATE test Platforms. the engineers from 6TL understood the advantages of molecularity already 30 years ago. Since then they developed what they now call fastATE as a modular solution to build any type and size, base Test Platforms in record time. Using only quality products dedicated to test, ensuring a high flexible, modular, re-usable and reliable test platform.

LED lighting tester, 6TL-19
6TL-19 LED Light tester

Using this fastATE technology in the basis 6Tl was able to develop in a short time a complete automatic production test solution for testing Led lightning applications. Using in the basis their 6TL-19 Base testplatform and build up the application on to that, 6TL was able to design the test system in record time, quick, easy and reliable.

This LED lighting testsystem is testing, next to the control electronics, also very accurately the colour and intensity of the LED Lighting.
The DUT Device Under Test used in this FastATE functional testsystem is a completely assembled Light used under water, therefore the LED lighting tester also test the water tightness of the light enclosure. 

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